Labels:daily | door | earth | gazette | light | sky | trade name OCR: Cheque isnot free orin the public version 2,0 December 1992 domain, itis Shareware . If you. Edward .Harp decide to use it please register by sendingan interesting postcard to: Kaleidos Software Edward G. Harp P.O. Box 429390 Cincinmati, HO 45242 -9390 Users thatwish tobe seni tnew versions directly Copyright @ 1992 Kaleidos Software US fox each update. can send $5.00 All rights xeserved Ican also be contacted on America Online: Rabeet Tis stribution: Cheque may ybe distributed by uSerS and uses groups Cheque maynotbe distributed bv rany for-profit organiza tionwha tsoevex without written permission : from the author Cheque may be distributed by online services such as America Online, GEnie and Compusexve Cheque mar notbe distributed part of an award OY incentive Cincima 15249 sent reserve ...